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Mobilized human resources

Mobilized human resources

Mobilized, equipped and valued human resources offering French-language
health services

Access to French-language health services depends on staff that are aware of the issues and motivated to act, have the necessary knowledge and tools to provide services, and receive recognition from their workplace and peers.

To this end, the SSF and Canada’s 16 Francophone health networks support managers and health professionals in implementing structuring projects in establishments and communities.

In addition, they are working in partnership with the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada and English-language post-secondary training programs to identify Francophone and Francophile students, mobilize them around learning activities in French and support them through their transition as bilingual health professionals.

Successes for communities!

Cafés de Paris – Informal spaces where employees practise their French
Cafés de Paris – Informal spaces where employees practise their French
Development of the platform
Development of the platform
Étoiles Santé Campaign – Value, recruit and promote health professionals providing French-language health services
Étoiles Santé Campaign – Value, recruit and promote health professionals providing French-language health services
Franco Doc – Mobilization of Francophone and Francophile students from English-language faculties of medicine in Canada
Franco Doc – Mobilization of Francophone and Francophile students from English-language faculties of medicine in Canada
Directories of health professionals
Directories of health professionals
On-line training platform on active offer of French-language health services
On-line training platform on active offer of French-language health services