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Language accessibility stardards

Language accessibility stardards

Health institutions, programs, and policies demonstrate the capacity to provide safe, high-quality health services in French in accordance with language accessibility standards

Actively offering health services in French is easier when language accessibility standards are in place. The SSF and the French-language health networks, in partnership with the Health Standards Organization (HSO) and Accreditation Canada, have developed the Access to Health and Social Services in Official Languages standard for evaluating access to services.

By participating in the process of voluntary recognition of this standard, health and social services agencies demonstrate that they have the capacity to provide safe, high-quality health services in French.

The French-language health networks provide support and expertise to health institutions that want Accreditation Canada recognition for applying this standard.

Successes for communities!

Development of the Access to Health and Social Services in Official Languages standard
Development of the Access to Health and Social Services in Official Languages standard

Diagnostic of a Success Story

Implementation of the Access to Health and Social Services in Official Languages Standard